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Premise has been developed by Bayer, one of the leading Life Science companies in the world.

With this comes the confidence of thorough research and development and the reassurance of knowing the product comes from an ethical company with a strong commitment to sustainability.
Why is Premise so Effective?
  • A Premise treatment effectively creates an extremely efficient in-ground trap that termites can't detect (the Premie Treated Zone)
  • Termites forge into the Premise Treated Zone and are killed one of three ways:
    - Termites that ingest or contact enough Premise are killed outright
    - Those that only receive a low done of Premise become dysfunctional. They stop normal feeding and grooming of each other (which is an essential component of termite colony health) and become diseased and die.
    - Many Premise-affected termites do find their way back to the colony. Other termites then receive a lethal dose through normal social interaction or cannibalism.
How it works:
Phase 1:
If a termite comes in to contact with the chemical it will die. Before it comes in contact with the higher concentrate of chemical it will forage through the soil were low concentrates are found. It is when the termites are foraging through this affected area that they stop feeding, become disorientated, cease grooming each other and neglect their environment. This allows natural fungi and micro-organisms in the soil to affect the termites and ultimately kill them.
Phase 2:
Once the barrier is placed at the property Stewarts recommend an Annual Termite Inspection be carried out to the property (as per Australian Standard) at least every twelve months. This is to ensure that the chemical barrier has not been disturbed, termites have not found away around the barrier and to make any recommendations to prevent the barrier been broken down.
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